Domino Server 從Windows 2000 Server 環境移植到Solaris 10 Server上完全操作手冊
Solaris 10 安裝與環境設定
1.請廠商安裝Solarsi 10 Server for SPARC版本;Solaris可X-windows遠端登入。
己、Solarsi Name Service:None或是[一所需需求設定]
辛、建立或是使用Domino預設帳號帳號 notes 密碼:notes 群組:notes
3.準備 Domino Server For Solaris 安裝檔
4.安裝Domino Server,安裝完畢
5.請準備Windows Server 上Domino Server 上的ID為、、為管理員ID)
1. Log on to the system as the Solaris account for the partition you are setting
up. In our example it is notes.
2. Change to the Domino Data directory for the partition you are setting up. In
our example it is /notes/notesdata.
3. Type the following line on the command line and press Enter:
/opt/lotus/bin/server –listen [操作畫面如下]
4. The screen in 如下圖 appears, saying that the Domino setup server is in
listening mode.
5. At this time go to the Windows workstation where you have a Domino
Administrator client installed. From the Windows Start menu, select
Programs → Lotus Applications → Remote Server Setup.
6. When Remote Server Setup launches, it prompts you for the remote host
address of the Domino server to set up (如下圖). Enter the IP address or
host name of the server you want to connect to and click Ping to test the
7. If you specified a valid address you will see a confirmation dialog
(如下圖). Click OK to return to the Server Connection dialog box.
8.The Domino Server Setup splash screen displays9.The splash screen disappears and the Remote Server Setup Welcome
window appears (如下圖). The Remote Server Setup utility gives you the
option to change the font for your language settings. Click Fonts.
10. The window in 如下圖 prompts for the name and title of the Domino
server we are setting up. Enter information that pertains to your environment.;這個視窗 如下圖需設定Domino Server 名稱和組織名稱,但是在[依你伺服器目前設定進行瑱入組織名稱]你必須選擇「I want to use an exiting server ID file:」然後選擇 server.id的路徑。然後按「Next」
11.Enter the required information and click Customize to specify additional
parameters that might apply to your environment.;在這畫面一樣選擇「I want to use an exiting certifier ID file」,請選擇cert.id所存放路徑選擇 cert.id並再詢問視窗「輸入密碼」,然後按Next。
12.在此視窗Domino domain name請填入[組織名稱],然後按Next。
13.在此視窗我們一樣選擇「I want to use an exiting Administator ID file」請選擇admin.id所存放路徑,並且在詢問密碼視窗填入admin ID的密碼然後按[Next].
14.在此畫面請選擇「Directory services(LDAP services)」然後按「Next」繼續。
15.You are prompted for your Domino Server Network Settings (如下圖).
Click Customize. 在選擇[Customiz..]填入「DNS名稱」,然後按「Next」。
16.Specify your Domino server’s initial Security Settings (如下圖).click Next to continue.
17.如下圖將ID 複製到 設定的那部電腦中路徑為C:\Program files\lotus\notes click Next to continue.。
18.Review your server settings (如下圖). Note that only a subset of all yourselections and choices are actually shown here.If you find errors with the settings shown in this display, use the Back button tostep back through the Remote Server Setup screens until you reach the partyou need to fix. Then click Next to advance through the Remote Server Setupscreens until you return to this display to confirm your settings again. When allappears correct, click Setup to launch the Domino Server Setup process.
19.The Domino Server Setup progress bar displays (如下圖).
20.After the progress bar successfully reaches 100%, it disappears and the
window in (如下圖) displays. Click Finish to close the Domino Remote
Server Setup utility.
21. 再來將原有的資料依下列步驟移轉過去即OK,但是切記不可將索引檔複製過去,這索引檔一定要讓Server重新建立。
為保障solaris下的郵件系統在我操作失誤後還能正常運行特將lotus目錄作一次備份(如果你有 足夠的自信可以不用這麼作),然後將notesdata目錄改名為notesdata-back,操作指令我就不講了。
mv data notesdata
chown -R notes:notes notesdata(將notesdata目錄授權於notes用戶)
如果服務正常就一起ok,如果出現file readonly之類的就說明沒有完全授權,那就在到notesdata目錄下查看還有那些檔或目錄不屬於notes notes用戶,並將其授權於notes。
21.5、檢測 <<這個步驟,依自己需要進行測試即可>>
telnet mailserip 143
a01 login user pass
a01 OK LOGIN completed
telnet mailserip 110
user username
pass passwd
+OK username has 29 messages
telnet mailserip 25